Accessories N/A
Move-it Pads . How to use them
How to use Move-it Pads
Ensure your floor area is clean: a little grit that’s pushed along by a pad will still damage a hard surface.
Place each of the four sliders under a corner or leg – with the blue foam side facing upwards.
Is your floor wood, laminate or polished? We highly recommend that you opt for the Self-Adhesive Felt for delicate surfaces.
The reason is simple: if you don’t add the Self-Adhesive Felt and then got a bit of grit in the Move-It pad, the grit could scratch your floor every time you move it.
The Self-Adhesive Felt easily attaches to the white underside of the Move-It pad.
Self-Adhesive Felt: Once the Self-Adhesive Felt is stuck to the Move-It pad, you’ll only be able to move your furniture on smooth surfaces. There would be too much friction if it was used on carpet.
Give your Move-It pads an occasional quick wipe with some polish. This removes any lingering static, restores your Move-It pads to their best and lets you continue to move furniture with ease.
Product code: PC/3
Species: n/a
Group: Accessories
Brushed: n/a
Profile: n/a
Specification: n/a
Weight: 382 kg
Recommended Use: n/a
Type of finish : n/a
Unit Measurement : per Pack